Cookies And Other Tracking Technologies, And How We Use Them
Like many companies, we use Cookies and other Tracking Technologies on our Site (collectively “Cookies”, unless otherwise stated) including HTTP cookies, HTML5 and Flash local storage, web beacons/GIFs, embedded scripts and e-tags/cache browsers as defined below.
We use Cookies for a variety of purposes and to enhance your online experience, for example, by remembering your log-in status and viewing preferences from a previous use of an online service, for when you later return to that online service.
Use Of Cookies And Tracking Technologies By Our Advertising Partners
The advertising networks and/or content providers that deliver ads on our Site use cookies to uniquely distinguish your web browser and keep track of information relating to serving ads on your web browser, such as the type of ads shown and the web pages on which the ads appeared.
Many of these companies combine information they collect from our Site with other information they have independently collected relating to your web browser’s activities across their network of websites. These companies collect and use this information under their own privacy policies.
Unless otherwise specified, if you do not opt out, as provided through the various methods herein, you expressly consent to the collection, use, and sharing of your information by us and the third parties listed above, subject to their privacy policies, preferences, and opt-outs available through the links set forth above. Not in limitation of the foregoing, you expressly consent to the use of Cookies or other local storage and the collection, use, and sharing of your information by us and each Google entity identified in the Cookies and Tracking Technologies Used On Mswestcoast, LLC Site section above. You can revoke your consent at any time by following the procedures set forth in the Your Cookie Choices And How To Opt-Out section above and otherwise as provided herein.
A cookie (sometimes referred to as local storage object or LSO) is a data file placed on a device. Cookies can be created through a variety of web-related protocols and technologies, such as HTTP (sometimes referred to as “browser cookies”), HTML5, or Adobe Flash. For more information on third-party cookies that we use for analytics, please review the table of cookies and tracking technologies within this Cookies and Tracking Technologies Policy.
Web Beacons
Small graphic images or other web programming code called web beacons (also known as “1×1 GIFs” or “clear GIFs”) can be included in our online service’s pages and messages. Web beacons are invisible to you, but any electronic image or other web programming code inserted into a page or email can act as a web beacon.
Clear gifs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies. In contrast to HTTP cookies, which are stored on a user’s computer hard drive, clear gifs are embedded invisibly on web pages and are about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.
Deterministic Finger-printing Technologies
If a user can be positively identified across multiple devices, for instance, because the user has logged into a platform such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo or Twitter, it can be “determined” who the user is for purposes of improving customer service.
Probabilistic Finger-printing
Probabilistic tracking depends upon collecting non-personal data regarding device attributes like operating system, device make and model, IP addresses, ad requests and location data, and making statistical inferences to link multiple devices to a single user. Note that this is accomplished through proprietary algorithms owned by the companies performing probabilistic finger-printing. Note also that in the EU IP Addresses are personal information.
Device Graph
Device graphs can be created by combining non-personal data regarding use of smartphones and other devices with personal log-in information to track interactions with content across multiple devices.